Ovako conducts business in an ethical and honest way and has zero tolerance for all forms of corruption, bribery, anti-competitive actions or similar conduct.
Suppliers and partners are required to prevent all forms of corruption and comply with policies that Ovako has drafted in this area. The objective is zero internal or external incidents related to corruption.

Responsible Sourcing
Ovako has in the supply chain around 3000 suppliers. The vast majority of suppliers are situated in Sweden, Finland or other countries in Europe.
Ovako is committed to upholding the United Nations Global Compact’s Principles and with this as a base our suppliers and subcontractors must comply with Ovako’s Supplier Code of Conduct. In addition to these requirements we monitor our suppliers and subcontractors through auditing.
Ovako also places demands on suppliers regarding responsible extraction of raw material and does not accept activities that contribute to conflicts in extraction areas.
Rigorous Demands on Partners
Ovako has a Supplier Code of Conduct that is included in all new contracts. This imposes standards on suppliers in areas including legal compliance, business ethics and anti-corruption, working conditions and human rights, health and safety, and the environment.
Suppliers are qualified and assessed in a standardized purchasing process based on cost, quality and delivery.
All potential suppliers need to fill in a supplier self assessment form
Conflict Minerals and Cobalt
In accordance with the Non-Conflict Minerals Act, By U.S. law H. R. 4173, section 1502, scrap and alloying elements purchased from our suppliers are neither produced from a conflict mineral as tin, tantalum, tungsten or gold (3TG), nor has its origin from a conflict region. Neither does Ovako use the mineral cobalt as an alloying substance.By conflict region, Ovako is referring to Democratic Republic of Congo or an adjoining country as identified in the Dodd Frank Conflict Mineral Legislation. If any change in sourcing of alloying elements for our products occurs, it will be communicated with our customers. Ovako also places demands on suppliers regarding responsible extraction of raw materials and does not accept activities that contribute to conflicts in extraction areas.
The company supports the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) and the Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI), which, among other things, has drawn up a program for conflict-free materials and a framework for reporting on the use of conflict minerals. Ovako also supports the Responsible Minerals Initiative. The Cobalt Reporting Template (CRT) is a free, standardized reporting template created by the Responsible Business Alliance® (RBA®).
Ovako Conflict Minerals Reporting Template
Download Conflict Minerals Report (Excel)
Ovako Extended Mineral Reporting Template