Cromax 280X is a low carbon micro-alloyed steel, that combines high strength with excellent machinability and weldability properties. In comparison with standard products based on grade 19MnVS6 or similar, the superior mechanical properties of 280X offers advantages in design against buckling and fatigue.
Cromax 180X is a high-end alternative to medium-carbon steel grades used in piston-rod applications, such as C45E. Just as with 280X, a leading star in the development has been to offer a higher strength without compromise in the shape of impaired machinability or weldability. Moreover, the well balanced and narrow specified analysis of manganese, carbon and other alloy elements in 180X is such that the centre segregation is minimized, which is highly beneficial in friction welding.
Cromax 482 is characterized by high strength in as-rolled condition. The analysis is well adapted to induction hardening and a high, uniform hardness is achieved through the hardened layer. Cromax 482 in induction hardened execution is commonly used where there is imminent risk of external impact such as exposed cylinders in construction machinery
Quenched-and-tempered Cromax 42CrMo4 finds applications where there is a requirement for elevated strength in combination with a defined and high level of toughness.
Upon customer specific requirements, all Cromax products can be produced in other steel grades and executions to meet specific demands for the application.

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