What attracted you to Ovako?
I had known Ovako from the time in my master program, where I had a study visit from the steel mill. Actually it was very important for me to work in the field of my PhD project to be able to apply my knowledge and experience in my work, and as I heard about this position I found it very close to my field (tribology) and at the time that I came to the R&D laboratory, I got fascinated by the lab facilities and I felt certain that I would like to work there for a lifetime!
What does a typical workday look like for you?
I investigate the wear mechanism of different components which are made of Ovako steel and try to increase the lifetime of the components by modifying the steel grade. I usually spend a few hours a day in the laboratory preparing my samples and characterize them using electron microscopy.
Then a few hours to do literature study and make a report of the work. I am also in close contact with different universities to explore collaborations in some projects, as I am the industrial contact person for the master thesis students.

What is the most fun part of your job?
I love my job since I deal with different projects relevant to different companies and different applications of steel. Each project is an adventure for me and brings me both new knowledge and experience. My job never gets boring for me since the world of material knowledge is endless..
What do you do when you’re not working at Ovako?
I live with my husband and my 11 years old son so in my free time I try to arrange some activities with them. Football, Swimming, Cycling, and board games are some our favorites!