A hydraulic drive system uses pressurized hydraulic fluid to power hydraulic machinery and consists of three main parts: The hydraulic pump, the guide and control system, and the actuator. Ovako is an industry leading supplier to the hydraulics industry, with steels suited for all parts of the system.
Hydraulics companies are constantly in search of increased energy efficiency and reduced size of components, while increasing power output. They also need a high reliability of components, with high uptime and safety, and reduced maintenance. This points to a need for material with higher strength, hardness and fatigue, and also a higher surface performance, with regards to both wear and corrosion.
With Cromax and NiKrom hard chrome plated bars and tubes, Ovako is the technology leader in piston rod applications. They are available in different steel grades, heat-treated conditions and a broad range of sizes. Our M-Steel is ideally suited for cylinder heads/end-caps, pistons, rod eyes and flanges/trunnion mounts as well as valve spools and poppets. Ovako BQ-Steel and IQ-Steel offer superior fatigue resistance and are an excellent choice for pistons, shafts, valve drives and rotors.
In addition, Ovako offers mechanical tubing for cylinders.
Reducing global CO2 emissions demands smarter product solutions and requires rethinking on many levels: more performance benefits per kilogram of product, less raw materials, and substituting fossil fuel energy sources with primarily fossil-free electricity. Read more about Ovako’s path to carbon neutrality

Steel Navigator - Find the right steel for your application
Steel Navigator contains a selection of useful tools such as Material Data Sheets, Machining Calculator, Heat Treatment Guide, Piston Rod Predictor and more.